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Words of Mormon/ Mosiah 1

to be discussed September 15

1. Read Words of Mormon 1:1-9. Mormon said he could not write "the hundredth part" of the things of his people (Words of Mormon 1:5). What criteria did he list for including things from the records in his abridgement of the large plates?



2. Read Words of Mormon 1:10-18. List ways in which King Benjamin established peace in his land. How can we apply these principles in parenting or leadership roles?



3. Read Mosiah 1:1-2. What were the names of Benjamin's sons? What did he teach them? Why did he teach them these things?



4. Read Mosiah 1:3-5. Why did Benjamin consider it so important to teach his sons from the sacred records? 


BONUS: What are the "mysteries of God" (see Mosiah 1:3 and 5)?



5. Read Mosiah 1:6-8. In Benjamin's testimony of the scriptures, how many times does he use the word "true"? What might be the difference between reading the scriptures and having them "before our eyes"? (See Mosiah 1:6.)



6. Read Mosiah 1:9-12. Why did King Benjamin want to give his people a new name? By what name did he want his people to be known? (See also Mosiah 5:8, Isaiah 62:2.)



7. Read Mosiah 1:13-18. List the sacred artifacts King Benjamin passed on to his son Mosiah. Where were his people asked to gather in order to hear Benjamin's final address?

Links to Related Articles:
"A Testimony of the Book of Mormon," Russell M. Nelson, November 1999 Ensign
"Holy Scriptures: The Power of God unto Our Salvation," Robert D. Hales, November 2006 Ensign 
"Thou Shalt Give Heed unto All His Words," L. Tom Perry, May 2000 Ensign
"Benjamin, the Man: His Place in Nephite History," John W. Welch
"What Parents Should Teach Their Children from the Book of Mosiah," Kenneth W. Anderson

Chiasmus in the Book of Mosiah


a) King Benjamin exhorts his sons (1:1-8)

 b) Mosiah chosen king to succeed his father (1:10)

  c) Mosiah receives the records (1:6)

    d) Benjamin's speech, the words of an angel (2:9-5:15)

     e) People enter into a covenant (6:1)

       f) Priests consecrated (6:3)

        g) Ammon leaves Zarahemla for land of Nephi (7:1-6)

         h) People of Limhi in bondage, Ammon in prison (7:15)

           i) The 24 gold plates (8:9)

            j) Record of Zeniff begins as he leaves Zarahemla (9:1)

            k) Zeniff prevails against the Lamanites (9:14-10:20)

              l) Noah and his priests (11:1-15)

              m) Abinadi persecuted, thrown in prison (11-12)

                n) Abinadi read Isaiah's prophecies of Christ (13-14)

                n) Abinadimade his own prophecies of Christ (15-16)

              m) Abinadi persecuted and killed (17:5-20)

               l) Noah and his priests (18:32-20:5)

             k) Lamanites threaten the people of Limhi (20:6-26)

             j) Record of Zeniff ends, Limhi's people leave Nephi 

            i) The 24 gold plates (21:27, 22:14)

          h) People of Alma in bondage (23)

         g) Alma leaves land of Nephi for Zarahemla (24)

         f) The Church organized by Alma (25:14-24)

       e) Unbelievers refuse to enter covenant (26:1-4)

     d) The words of Alma and the words of the angel of the Lord (26-27)

    c) Alma the Younger receives the records (28:20)

   b) Judges chosen instead of a king (29:5-32)

 a) Mosiah exhorts his people (29:5-32)

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