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Podcast: How does the Lord make our burdens light?
Links to related articles:
"That Your Burdens May Be Light," L. Whitney Clayton, November 2009 Ensign
"Claim the Blessings of Your Covenants," Linda S. Reeves, November 2013 Ensign
"Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease," David A. Bednar, May 2014 Ensign
"The Power of Patience," Robert C. Oaks, November 2006 Ensign
"Be of Good Cheer," Neal A. Maxwell, November 1982 Ensign
"Exodus Pattern in the Book of Mormon," S. Kent Brown, BYU Publications

Mosiah 23-24

"An account of Alma and the people of the Lord, who were driven into the wilderness by the people of King Noah."

To be discussed November 17

1. Read Mosiah 23:1-5. Why did Alma take his people further into the wilderness? Describe the land they settled and what they did to establish their new home.



2. Read Mosiah 23:6-15. What was Alma's explanation for why it was not expedient to have a king? Who is the only rightful king? 



BONUS: Which words from Mosiah 23:9-10 indicate that Alma's repentance process was long and difficult? 



3. Read Mosiah 23:16-29. From Mosiah 23:18, list two of the duties of the priests and teachers consecrated by Alma. (For extra credit, read D&C 20:46-59 to see what the Lord has told us regarding the duties of priests and teachers today.) Will the Lord always keep His people safe when they are keeping their covenants?




4. Read Mosiah 23:30-39. Who was Amulon? Why didn't the Lamanites kill him and his people? How reliable was his word? Would you vote for him?




5. Read Mosiah 24:1-7. What did the ex-priests of Noah teach the Lamanites? What did they NOT teach?




6. Read Mosiah 24:8-14. Why do you think Amulon was still "wroth" with Alma? How did this anger manifest itself? How did Alma's people "pour out their hearts"? What did they receive from the Lord in their extremities?




7. Read Mosiah 24:15-25. How were the people of Alma delivered from bondage? How were they guided in the wilderness?

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