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Alma 17-20

To be discussed February 9

1. Read Alma 17:1-18, with superscription. List qualities or traits that Alma noticed in the sons of Mosiah, traits that might empower missionaries today. 



2. Read Alma 17:19-39. Why do you think King Lamoni asked Ammon if it was his desire to dwell among the Lamanites? Why was Ammon's answer pleasing to the king? What was Ammon's greatest desire? How did he go about accomplishing his goals?



3. Read Alma 18:1-19. In a nutshell, what was King Lamoni's religious tradition? In Alma 18:12, it states that Ammon perceived that "the countenance of the king was changed." What had changed Lamoni's countenance?



4. Read Alma 18:20-43. Having been offered anything he desired, what did Ammon request from the king? How did he speak to the king (v. 24)? List doctrinal elements of Ammon's message.



5. Read Alma 19:1-17. How long did Ammon have to wait for an audience with the queen? Why did she send for him? Why did she believe him?



BONUS: How had Abish been prepared years earlier for such a time as this?



6. Read Alma 19:18-36. List the philosophies of men that arose to explain the fallen king and his court. How were these contentions finally resolved?



BONUS: From Alma 19:33-34, what testimonies were born?



7. Read Alma 20:1-30. What might have kept Lamoni's father from recognizing the truth of his son's message? What kept him from believing Ammon? What changed his mind?

Links to Related Articles:
"The Returned Missionary," L. Tom Perry, November 2001 Ensign
"Ask in Faith," David A. Bednar, May 2008 Ensign
"The Creation," Russell M. Nelson, May 2000 Ensign
"The Three Pillars of Eternity," Bruce R. McConkie, BYU Speeches Feb. 1981
"Christ and the Three Pillars of Eternity," Jared T. Parker, BYU Religious Studies Center, 2003
"Ripples," Virginia U. Jensen, November 2000 Ensign
"Abish: A Common Servant, a True Testimony," Heather B. Moore, July 2012 Ensign
"Decisions for Eternity," Russell M. Nelson, November 2013 Ensign
Podcast: Why Was Abish Mentioned By Name?
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