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Alma 21-24

To be discussed February 16

1. Read Alma 21:1-11. Review Alma 1:3-5, Alma 14:14-18, and Alma 16:11. What do we know about the "order of Nehors"? How did the people of Jerusalem react to Aaron's preaching?



2. Read Alma 21:12-23. Where did Aaron and his brethren go after Ammon and Lamoni released them from prison? How were they received? What did King Lamoni do for his people in the land of Ismael?



3. Read Alma 22:1-18. How did Aaron and his brethren show respect to Lamoni's father, the king of all the Lamanites? What question did the king ask after Aaron had explained the doctrines of Creation, Fall and Atonement?



4. Read Alma 22:19-35. How was the king converted? How were the queen and her servants converted?



BONUS: Why do you think Mormon included a detailed description of Lamanite and Nephite geography?



5. Read Alma 23:1-18. What decree or proclamation did the king of the Lamanites send among his people? Why? List the effects of the decree and the preaching that followed. 



BONUS: Why do you think the converted Lamanites wanted to be known by a new name?



6. Read Alma 24:1-16. What caused the war between Lamanites and Anti-Nephi-Lehies? From Alma 24:7-10, underline every time the king of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies says, "I thank my great God." For what was he thankful? Why did he suggest they bury their swords?



7. Read Alma 24:17-30. What were the terms of the covenant the Anti-Nephi-Lehies made with God? How did they react when the Lamanites came upon them in war? Which groups of people were NOT moved or converted by the actions of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies?

Podcast: Why Did Converted Lamanites Call Themselves Anti-Nephi-Lehies?
Links to Related Articles:
"Personal Strength through the Atonement of Jesus Christ," Richard G. Scott, November 2013 Ensign
"An Easiness and Willingness to Believe," Michael T. Ringwood, November 2009 Ensign
"A Lesson from the Book of Mormon," Vicki F. Matsumori, May 2007 Ensign
"Desire," Dallin H. Oaks, May 2011 Ensign
"What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Soul?" Robert C. Gay, November 2012 Ensign
"Come unto Me with Full Purpose of Heart, and I Shall Heal You," Patrick Kearon, Nov. 2010 Ensign
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