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Alma 39-42

To be discussed April 6

1. Read Alma 39:1-7, with headnote. List mistakes Corianton made that led to his grievous sin. Why did Alma feel he needed to give strict counsel to this son?



2. Read Alma 39:8-19. From Alma 39:9-14, what did Alma counsel Corianton to do to help him turn his life around? From Alma 39:17, what question was Corianton pondering? How did Alma answer this question?



3. Read Alma 40:1-14. From Alma 40:1, about what other subject did Corianton have questions? List facts on this subject Alma taught Corianton.



4. Read Alma 40:15-26. How did Alma describe the "first resurrection" (Alma 40:18-20)? From Alma 40:21-23, what was Alma's main point?



5. Read Alma 41:1-15. From Alma 41:3, by what two things will we  be judged? In what ways are we our own judges? (Alma 41:7)?



BONUS: Restate Alma's explanation of the law of restoration in one sentence.



6. Read Alma 42:1-15. What further question did Alma perceive that Corianton pondered? President Harold B. Lee stated, "Death is the greatest miracle of mortality." How does Alma's discourse in Alma 42:2-15 support this statement?



7. Read Alma 42:16-31. According to Alma, why are none but the truly penitent saved? 



EXTRA CREDIT: From Alma 39-42, list three of Alma's specific directions to his son Corianton.

Links to Related Articles:
"Personal Purity," Jeffrey R. Holland, November 1998 Ensign
"Resurrection," Dallin H. Oaks, May 2000 Ensign
"I Will Remember Your Sins No More," Boyd K. Packer, May 2006 Ensign
"Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus," Quentin L. Cook, November 2016 Ensign
"The Great Plan of Happiness," Earl C. Tingey, May 2006 Ensign
"Decisions for Eternity," Russell M. Nelson, November 2013 Ensign
"And There Shall Be No More Death," Paul V.  Johnson, May 2016 Ensign
"My Specialty Is Mercy," Marion D. Hanks, November 1981 Ensign
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