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Alma 50-53

To be discussed May 4th

1. Read Alma 50:1-22. How did Moroni prepare the Nephite cities against the assaults of their enemies? List physical and spiritual preparations. Why did Moroni's armies increase?




2. Read Alma 50:23-40. What caused "warm contention" between the people of Morianton and the people of Lehi? Why did Moroni send an army to head off the people of Morianton before they could flee northward?  Who began to reign as chief judge and governor in the end of the 24th year of the reign of the judges?




BONUS: From Alma 50:39, list elements of the "oath and sacred ordinance" the chief judge swore to uphold.




3. Read Alma 51:1-21. What caused "warm dispute" between the freemen and the king-men? How was this contention "settled" (Alma 51:7)? Why was the timing of this dispute particularly bad?




4. Read Alma 51:22-37. Why were some Nephite cities more vulnerable to Amalickiah's armies?




EXTRA CREDIT: Use Alma 50:13-15 and Alma 51:23-26 to make a simple map with relative locations of the cities listed in these verses.



5. Read Alma 52:1-18. Who succeeded Amalickiah as king over the Lamanites? What strategies did he employ in his war with the Nephites?




6. Read Alma 52:19-40. From Alma 52:19, what kind of council did Moroni hold with his chief captains? What was the purpose of the council? How did Moroni, Teancum and Lehi work together to regain Mulek?




7. Read Alma 53:1-23. Use Alma 53:8-9 to explain how Satan gains ground among the saints of God today. 



BONUS: How does the record describe the Ammonite young men who entered into a covenant to fight for the liberty and land of the Nephites?

Links to Related Articles:
"The War Goes On," Larry R. Lawrence, April 2017 Ensign
"Winning the War against Evil," James J. Hamula, November 2008  Ensign
"Defending against Evil," Kathleen S. McConkie,  January 1992 Ensign
"The Power, Joy, and Love of Covenant Keeping," Linda K. Burton, November 2013 Ensign
"Mothers Who Know," Julie B. Beck, November 2007 Ensign
"Creating Places of Security," Virginia U. Jensen, November 1997 Ensign
"Moral Discipline," D. Todd Christofferson, November 2009 Ensign
"The Greatest Generation of Missionaries," M. Russell Ballard, 2002 Ensign
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