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Alma 30-32

To be discussed March 9

1. Read Alma 30:1-18. Who was Korihor? How many times did Korihor use the word "foolish" in Alma 30:13-14? What was the doctrine of Korihor? Why was he allowed to preach? 



BONUS: How was Korihor received in Jershon?



2. Read Alma 30:19-36. To what did Korihor say the people of Gideon were in bondage? How did Alma answer Korihor?



3. Read Alma 30:37-60. How many times did Korihor deny Christ would come to redeem his people? How many times did Korihor ask for a sign?



BONUS: Use Alma 30:39, Alma 30:40, and Alma 30:41 and 44 to list ways in which Alma answered Korihor.



Extra Credit: What two lessons did Mormon draw from this chapter by saying "and thus we see..."?



4. Read Alma 31:1-18. List the missionaries who went with Alma on his mission to the Zoramites. Where were the Zoramites? How did they "worship"?



5. Read Alma 31:19-38. For what and for whom did Alma pray? How was his prayer answered?



6. Read Alma 32:1-21. How did the poorer Zoramites approach Alma? Why did they feel the way they did? How was this trial actually a blessing? What is faith?



7. Read Alma 32:22-43. Upon what did Alma ask the poorer Zoramites to experiment? What did Alma compare to a seed? How might we strengthen our faith?



BONUS: From Alma 32:41, how may we nourish the word? What is the fruit of that tree?

Links to Related Articles:
"Korihor: The Arguments of Apostasy," Chauncey C. Riddle, September 1977 Ensign
"Countering Korihor's Philosophy," Gerald N. Lund, July 1992 Ensign
"How Is It with Us?" M. Russell Ballard, May 2000 Ensign
"Repent of [Our] Selfishness," Neal A. Maxwell, May 1999 Ensign
"Converted unto the Lord," David A. Bednar, November 2012 Ensign
"Securing Our Testimonies," Donald L. Staheli, November 2004 Ensign
"Growing Up Spiritually," Janette C. Hales, May 1994 Ensign
"Watermelons, Alma 32, and the Experimental Method," (pdf) Joseph Thomas Hepworth, BYU Studies Quarterly, Vol. 23, 1983
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