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Alma 43-45

To be discussed April 20

NOTE: As we begin these "war chapters" in the Book of Mormon, consider what kinds of war Satan wages against the saints today and how we can defend ourselves and our freedoms.


1. Read Alma 43:1-18. Why were the Nephites compelled to make preparations for war? What motivated Zerahemnah to go to war against the Nephites? What was the "design" of the Nephites? How old was Moroni when he took command of the Nephite armies?



BONUS: Review Alma 21:3-6. What do we know about the Amalekites? Why did Zerahemnah appoint Amalekites and Zoramites as chiefs over the Lamanites?



2. Read Alma 43:19-38. How were the Nephite armies prepared for battle? How was Zerahemnah's army prepared? How did Moroni know where Zarahemnah's army had gone?



3. Read Alma 43:39-54. Why did the more numerous Lamanites begin to flee before the Nephite army? When the Lamanites were cornered and began to "fight like dragons" (Alma 43:44), what turned the tide toward  a Nephite victory?



4. Read Alma 44:1-11. What were the terms of Moroni's proposed truce covenant? How did Zerahemnah respond? Why didn't Moroni let his enemies depart without their weapons?



5. Read Alma 44:12-24. What do we know about the character of Zerahemnah (from this passage)? What do we know about the character of Moroni?



6. Read Alma 45:1-14, with headnote. Whose record do we have in Alma 45-62? What did Alma ask Helaman in his "Personal Priesthood Interview"? What was Alma's prophecy regarding the future of the Nephites? Why didn't he want it published before its time?



7. Read Alma 45:15-24. Who and what did Alma bless before he departed? What were the conditions of the curse he proclaimed? What was the "Nephite disease" that caused dissent and rebellion among the people?

Links to Related Articles:
"Yes, We Can and Will Win!" Ulisses Soares, May 2015 Ensign
"War and Peace," Gordon B. Hinckley, May 2003 Ensign
"Blessed Are the Peacemakers," Russell M. Nelson, November 2002 Ensign
"Waiting upon the Lord: Thy Will Be Done," Robert D. Hales, November 2011 Ensign
"How Captain Moroni Helped My Marriage," Michelle H. Bagley, April 1999 Ensign
"Peace Within," H. Dean Garrett, September 1988 Ensign
"Moroni and His Captains: Men of Peace in a Time of War," Eugene England, September 1977 Ensign
"Dissent and Treason," Orson Scott Card, September 1977 Ensign
Podcast: Why would Zerahemnah not swear an oath to Moroni?
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