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Alma 61-63

To be discussed May 25

1. Read Alma 61:1-9. How did the rebellious Nephites lead away the hearts of many against Pahoran? What great city was captured by the dissenters? Why wasn't Pahoran angry after receiving Moroni's scathing letter?



2. Read Alma 61:10-21. Why did Pahoran actually take joy in receiving Moroni's epistle? Choose a key phrase from this scripture block that summarizes Pahoran's vision and/or counsel.



3. Read Alma 62:1-11. How did Moroni rally more troops to join him on his march to Gideon? How did they restore Pahoran to the judgment seat?



4. Read Alma 62:12-26. How did Moroni fortify his troops? What error(s) did Moroni's enemies at Nephihah commit that led to their overthrow?



5. Read Alma 62:27-38. How did the Lamanite prisoners of war assist in strengthening the cause of freedom among the Nephites? Who killed Ammoron?




6. Read Alma 62:39-52. List some of the effects of the prolonged wars between Nephites and Lamanites. How did Moroni end out his days? In what year did Helaman die?




7. Read Alma 63:1-17. Who took possession of the sacred records and artifacts when Helaman died? How many years did he serve as religious leader to the Nephites? What did Hagoth and Corianton have in common?

Podcast: Why did Mormon mention Hagoth?
Links to Related Articles:
"And Nothing Shall Offend Them," David A. Bednar, November 2006 Ensign
"That Ye Not Be Offended," Perry M. Christensen, March 1991 Ensign
"Choices," James E. Faust, May 2004 Ensign
"Adversity," Dallin H. Oaks,  July 1998 Ensign
"Come unto Me, O Ye House of Israel," Larry Echo Hawk, November 2012 Ensign
"Hagoth and the Polynesians," Robert E. Parsons, BYU Religious Studies Center
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