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Alma 54-57

To be discussed May 11

1. Read Alma 54:1-24. What were the terms suggested by Moroni under which he would be willing to exchange prisoners with Ammoron? How were the terms received?



BONUS: List examples of psychological warfare being waged in the epistles of Moroni and Ammoron.



2. Read Alma 55:1-17. Review Alma 54:6,7,9 and 10. What phrases, repeated in these verses, indicate the most important request on Moroni's list of terms under which he would be willing to exchange prisoners. Why did Moroni refuse Ammoron's offer of exchanging prisoners? What was Moroni's strategy for freeing Ammoron's prisoners?



3. Read Alma 55:18-35. List policies and strategies that kept the Nephites safe.



4. Read Alma 56:1-28. Why do you think Helaman called his warriors his "sons"? What does this tell you about Helaman? About the Ammonites?



5. Read Alma 56:29-57. In whom did the sons of Helaman put their trust? Why? How did their trust secure a victory against evil?



6. Read Alma 57:1-16. How did Helaman and his army take the city of Antiparah? How did they take Cumeni? Can you think of lessons for us in this chapter in our ongoing fight against evil and sin?



7. Read Alma 57:17-36. In Alma 57:20-21, 26-27,  what words and phrases does Helaman use to describe his "sons"? Why do you think they were preserved in battle?

Podcast: Why did Moroni change his mind about exchanging prisoners with Ammoron?
Links to Related Articles:
"Mothers Who Know," Julie B. Beck, November 2007 Ensign
"The Windows of Heaven," David A. Bednar, November 2013 Ensign
"Stand Strong in Holy Places," Robert D. Hales, May 2013 Ensign
"Be Strong and of a Good Courage," Thomas S. Monson, May 2014 Ensign
"Obedience - Full Obedience," Teddy E. Bremerton, May 1981 Ensign
"The Call of Duty," Thomas S. Monson, May 1986 Ensign
"Let's Make That Our Motto," Christopher Lambe, December 2016 Ensign
"What were the ages of Helaman's 'stripling warriors'?" John A. Tvedtnes, September 1992 Ensign
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