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Alma 10-12

To be discussed January 26

1. Read Alma 10:1-11. Who was Amulek? How did he introduce himself at the beginning of his address? How did Amulek gain a testimony of  Alma's prophetic calling?



2. Read Alma 10:12-32. Why did the lawyers question Amulek? How had the city of Ammonihah escaped destruction up to this point? What was Amulek's warning to Ammonihah?



BONUS: What do we learn about Zeezrom from Alma 10:31-32?



3. Read Alma 11:1-20. Why do you think Mormon included this explanation of Nephite coinage, or weights and measures? Were the Nephite judges paid a salary or paid hourly wages? How did this impact their judicial system?



4. Read Alma 11:21-46. List the questions Zeezrom asked Amulek. In Amulek's answers, what does he explain about the redemption of mankind through the power of Christ's atonement? What was the effect of his teaching?



5. Read Alma 12:1-18. Alma 12:8 tells us Zeezrom "began to inquire of them [Alma and Amulek] diligently." Why had his questions changed? What did Alma teach regarding the "second death"?



BONUS: Look up "Mystery" in the Bible Dictionary. Use this definition to clarify Alma's teachings in Alma 12:9-11



6. Read Alma 12:19-29. In this scripture block Alma reveals to the people many basic truths - mysteries - regarding the plan of salvation. From his teachings, answer the following: (a) Why do we need a Savior? (b) What is the purpose of this life? (c) Why is death a blessing?



7. Read Alma 12:30-37. List the direct results of men calling on the name of God (praying). How do we enter into the rest of God? (See Alma 12:34-37, D&C 84:24.)

Links to Related Articles:
"Heroes," H. David Burton, May 1993 Ensign
"Resurrection," Dallin H. Oaks, May 2000 Ensign
"Abide in My Love," D. Todd Christofferson, November 2016 Ensign
"The Savior Wants to Forgive," Craig A. Cardon, May 2013 Ensign
"An Unspeakable Gift from God," Craig C. Christensen, November 2012 Ensign
"The Great Plan of Happiness," Marcus B. Nash, November 2006 Ensign
"Opening Our Hearts," Gerald N. Lund, May 2008 Ensign
Podcast: "Why is Amulek's Household Significant?"
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