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Mosiah 13-16

To be Discussed October 27

1. Read Mosiah 13:1-10. Why didn't the people obey King Noah's command to seize and slay Abinadi? According to Mosiah 13:8, with what were Abinadi's listeners filled? What was Abinadi's warning?




2. Read Mosiah 13:11-26. Abinadi had begun to recite the ten commandments, as given to Moses, in Mosiah 12:34-36.  In Mosiah 13:12-14, he continues by restating the command to not worship any graven images. What is the warning associated with this commandment? What did Abinadi say about why he rehearsed the ten commandments to Noah's priests?




BONUS: To whom do we show respect as we live the first four commandments? To whom do we show respect in our obedience to the last six commandments?




3. Read Mosiah 13:27-35. Why was the Law of Moses given to the children of Israel? Why didn't they understand the law? 




4. Read Mosiah 14:1-12. What did Abinadi know about Christ and His atonement? How did he know it?




BONUS: Isaiah 53, quoted here by Abinadi, is sometimes called the "Song of the Suffering Servant." In bearing witness of the coming Messiah, how might Abinadi's recitation of this psalm have impacted the perceptions of the priests of Noah?




5. Read Mosiah 15:1-12. How can Jesus Christ be both the Son and our Father? This chapter contains Abinadi's commentary on Isaiah 53, which he has just quoted. Choose one verse from Mosiah 15:1-12 which helps you understand better the reality of Christ's atonement.




6. Read Mosiah 15:13-31. In these verses Abinadi circles back to the original question posed by Noah's priests, regarding the  meaning of Isaiah 52:7-10. Why do you think it was important for the priests to be reminded of the ten commandments before they could understand the role of the Savior and His prophets? What does it mean to publish peace?




7. Read Mosiah 16:1-15. Over whom does the devil have power, according to Abinadi? What ought we to do because of this knowledge?


BONUS: To what is Abinadi referring when he speaks of "the arms of mercy" in Mosiah 16:12?

Podcast: How Is Christ Both The Father And The Son?
Links to Related Articles:
"Christian Courage: The Price of Discipleship," Robert D. Hales, November 2008 Ensign
"Pure Testimony," M. Russell Ballard, November 2008 Ensign
"If Thou Wilt Enter Into Life, Keep the Commandments," Robert D. Hales, May 1996 Ensign
"Abinadi, Prophet and Martyr," Robert J. Matthews, April 1992 Ensign
"The Lord Is My Light," Quentin L. Cook, May 2015 Ensign
"He Hath Showed Thee, O Man, What Is Good," S. Dilworth Young, November 1978 Ensign
"Abinadi's Commentary on Isaiah," Monte S. Nyman
"The Father and the Son, A Doctrinal Exposition by the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles," (Aug. 1916) April 2002 Ensign
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