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Mosiah 7-8

to be discussed October 6

1. Read Omni 1:27-30 and Mosiah 7:1-2. See also the date connected with Mosiah 9:1. If Mosiah 7 begins around 121 BC, and Zeniff's record begins about 200 BC, approximately how long had Mosiah's people been waiting for Zeniff and his group to return and report?



2. Read Mosiah 7:3-11. What do we know about Ammon? Why did Limhi bind Ammon and his brethren? Why didn't he kill them?



3. Read Mosiah 7:12-17, Mosiah 21:25-26. How did Ammon approach King Limhi? Why did Limhi assume the city of Zarahemla had been destroyed?



4. Read Mosiah 7:18-25. Why do you think Limhi described the Lord as "the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob"? Why did Limhi say his people were in bondage? How are we sometimes in bondage today? How do we get out of bondage?



5. Read Mosiah 7:26-33. What examples did Limhi use to illustrate the "law of the harvest," or another words, "we reap what we sow"?



6. Read Mosiah 8:1-11. How did Limhi's people learn about King Benjamin's address? How did Ammon learn about the history of Limhi's people?



7. Read Mosiah 8:12-21. According to Mosiah 8:17, what can a seer know? From Mosiah 8:18, why do we have the priesthood on the earth today?

Links to Related Articles:
"To the Saints of the Utah Salt Lake Area," M. Russell Ballard, September 11, 2016
"The Lord Will Prosper the Righteous," Dean L. Larsen, November 1992 Ensign
"Spiritual Security," Charles Didier, May 1987 Ensign
"Heed the Prophet's Voice," L. Tom Perry, November 1994 Ensign
"How Choice a Seer," Neal A. Maxwell, November 2003 Ensign
"The Power of Deliverance," L. Tom Perry, May 2012 Ensign
"Why Are Mormon's Extensive Quotations of Limhi Significant?" Book of Mormon Central
"Why Is A Seer Greater Than A Prophet?" Book of Mormon Central

King Limhi

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