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Alma 1-3

To be discussed January 5

1. Read Alma 1:1-10. What did Nehor preach about the priesthood? List the false doctrines he presented as truths. Why do you think so many believed him? What were the "fruits" of his doctrines?




2. Read Alma 1:11-22, 2 Nephi 26:29-30. What did Alma see as the dangers inherent in the exercise of priestcraft? Why was Nehor sentenced to death? Why wasn't Nehor's "deathbed confession" enough to stop the spread of his false doctrines?




3. Read Alma 1:23-33. Compare Alma 1:26-28 with Alma 1:3. How did the priests of God conduct themselves? What was the result of this righteous activity?




4. Read Alma 2:1-13. Describe Amlici. What two things did he desire? How did the Nephites prepare themselves to resist his intentions?




5. Read Alma 2:14-25. How many Amlicites were slain in one day? What did Alma do to keep his people safe? Who joined the Amlicites?




6. Read Alma 2:26-38. How was Alma able to contend with Amlici and the king of the Laminates successfully? Why do you think the Laminates fled?



BONUS: Why do you think the Lord give us strength to resist wickedness instead of removing its influence from our lives?



7. Read Alma 3:1-27. How did the Amlicites distinguish themselves physically? Why were the Lamanites marked initially? What do you think Alma 3:27 means?

Links to Related Articles:
"The Dangers of Priestcraft," Paul V. Johnson, CES Conference 2002
"Standing for Truth and Right," M. Russell Ballard, November 1997 Ensign
"Preserving Agency, Protecting Religious Freedom," Robert D. Hales, May 2-15 Ensign
"Refuge from the Storm," Patrick Kearon, May 2016 Ensign
"Watching with All Perseverance," David A. Bednar, May 2010 Ensign
"The Charge of "Racism" in the Book of Mormon," John A. Tvedtnes, FARMS Review, 2003
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