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Mosiah 9-12

"The Record of Zeniff"

to be discussed October 13

1. Read Mosiah 9:1-19. What did Zeniff see in the Lamanites that others may not have recognized? Zeniff describes himself as "over-zealous" and "slow to remember the Lord our God." How might these traits have influenced his dealings with the Lamanites? How  many years did Zeniff's people live in peace in the land of Nephi?



2. Read Mosiah 10:1-10. List preparations made by Zeniff to keep his people safe and prosperous. How might we apply these principles to keep ourselves and our families safe today?




3. Read Mosiah 10:11-22. According to Zeniff, what had caused the cultural divide between the Lamanites and the Nephites? Is it possible to cure "eternal hatred" (Mosiah 10:17)?




4. Read Mosiah 11:1-15. King Noah's legacy is a blueprint for the collapse of a nation. How did his personal corruption begin? How did this personal corruption progress until it undermined his society?




5. Read Mosiah 11:16-29. How did the Laminates begin their assault on the Nephites? Why was it successful for a time? List the attitudes of Noah's people from Mosiah 11:19 that continued to  undermine their society. What was Abinadi's message in Mosiah 11:20, 21, and 25? How was Abinadi's message received?



BONUS: Mosiah 11:29 states that "the eyes of the people were blinded." To what were they blind? Why?



EXTRA CREDIT: Read Mosiah 11:27 with Mosiah 12:3. How would Noah come to know the Lord?



6. Read Mosiah 12:1-16. When Abinadi returned after two years in hiding, was his message different? Why or why not? Why do you think Noah's people defended him?



BONUS: How do we sometimes defend the Noahs in our lives?



7. Read Mosiah 12:17-37. Why do you think the priests of Noah asked Abinadi about the meaning of Isaiah's words? From Mosiah 12:27, why didn't they understand? Of what was Abinadi accusing the priests in Mosiah 12:35-36?

Links to Related Articles:
"Three Kings and a Captain: Nephite Leaders in the Land of Nephi," Orson Scott Card,  January 1977 Ensign
"Be Strong and of a Good Courage," Thomas S. Monson, May 2014 Ensign
"Receiving Divine Assistance through the Grace of the Lord," Gene R. Cook, May 1993 Ensign
"Learning with Our Hearts," Walter F. Gonzalez, November 2012 Ensign
"Removing Barriers to Happiness," Richard G. Scott, May 1998 Ensign
Podcast: Why would Noah's priests quiz Abinadi on Isaiah?
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