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Alma 46-49

To be Discussed April 27

Links to Related Articles:
"Which Way Do You Face?" Lynn G. Robbins, November 2014 Ensign
"Prepared in a Manner That Never Had Been Known," Linda K. Burton, November 2014 Ensign
"You Can't Pet a Rattlesnake," David E. Sorensen, May 2001 Ensign
"Preserving Agency, Protecting Religious Freedom," Robert D. Hales, May 2015 Ensign
"Creating Places of Security," Virginia U. Jensen, November 1997 Ensign
"A Return to Virtue," Elaine S. Dalton, November 2008 Ensign
"Personal Strength through the Atonement of  Jesus Christ," Richard G. Scott, November 2013 Ensign
"War Banners: A Mesoamerican Context for the Title of Liberty," Kerry Hull,  Journal of Book of Mormon Studies (2015)

1. Read Alma 46:1-20. What motivated Amalickiah? What motivated his followers? What motivated Moroni?



BONUS: From Alma 46:8-10, list the lessons that follow the words, "...we see...."



2. Read Alma 46:21-41. What were the terms of the covenant Moroni's people made with God? What was the token of the covenant? Why was the token appropriate to their situation?



BONUS: What does it mean to "stand fast in the faith of Christ" (Alma 46:27)?



3. Read Alma 47:1-19. How did Amalickiah accomplish his goals? How might it have ended differently if Lahonti had not "come down"  - just a little - from the mount?



4. Read Alma 47:20-36. What leadership skills did Amalickiah possess? How might the adversary use our own talents to bring us down if we forget our covenants?



5. Read Alma 48:1-25. Who did Amalickiah appoint as chief captains over his armies? Why? List ways in which Moroni prepared the Nephite cities against attack. 



BONUS: If Amalickiah and his armies are types of Satan and his hosts, what can we learn from Captain Moroni about strengthening ourselves and our families against the powers of the adversary?



6. Read Alma 49:1-16. Why were the Lamanite armies disappointed at Ammonihah and Noah? Why do you think Amalickiah didn't march at the head of his troops?



7. Read Alma 49:17-30. What role did preparedness play in the Nephite victory at Noah? What did the Lamanite armies do when their chief captains were slain? How did Amalickiah react to the loss? 

Podcast: Why are there so many war chapters in the Book of Mormon?

Note from John Bytheway: 

"As Latter-day Saints, we have gone up to the “mountain of the Lord” and made covenants.  Satan continually invites us to come down.  We refuse.  So he invites us to come down just a little.  If we do, we subject ourselves to his power where we will eventually be poisoned by degrees.  If we are wounded by a gunshot, or a sword, we know about it!  But if we are slowly poisoned, we might not even realize it’s happening.  Poison is a perfect metaphor for Satan’s tactics, because a victim of poison may not even realize what’s happening, and may still believe he’s in control up until the moment he dies.

The spiritual message is powerful and chilling – Don’t come down from your mountain!  Keep your covenants!  Satan wants us to come down so he can poison us by degrees."

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