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Links to Related Articles:
"The Power of the Priesthood," Boyd K. Packer, May 2010 Ensign
"Born of God," Ezra Taft Benson, November 1985 Ensign
"Repentance and Conversion," Russell M. Nelson, May 2007 Ensign
"The Other Prodigal," Jeffrey R. Holland, May 2002 Ensign
"The Atonement, Repentance, and Dirty Linen," Lynn A. Mickelsen, November 2003 Ensign
"Zion in the Midst of Babylon," David R. Stone, May 2006 Ensign
"Repentance: A Mighty Change of Heart," Brent W. Webb, BYU Speeches, May 18, 1999

Alma 4-6

To be discussed January 12

1. Read Alma 4:1-10. How many people were baptized during the seventh year of the reign of the judges? Why were there so many baptisms during that time? What was the direct result of the increase in baptisms? What was the INDIRECT result in the eighth year?




2. Read Alma 4:11-20. What was the cause of the great inequality among Alma's people? How did Alma feel about the spiritual state of his people? Why did he deliver up the judgment-seat to Nephihah?




3. Read Alma 5:1-15. Alma says in Alma 5:3 that he was consecrated by his father, who had POWER and AUTHORITY from God. According to Boyd K. Packer, authority comes from ordination, but power comes through obedience and righteousness. List questions from Alma 5:6-15 that indicate Alma wanted his people to increase in POWER. Choose one of these questions to ask yourself.




4. Read Alma 5:16-31. In this section of Alma's address, he uses the imagery of clean and filthy garments to illustrate the effects of sin in our lives. How can our garments become clean, once soiled? What must we be stripped of in order to be properly attired when we meet God?




5. Read Alma 5:32-48. How does the Good Shepherd call out to us? What is His invitation? To whom do we belong if we will not hearken? How did Alma know the truth of his message?




6. Read Alma 5:49-62. If we believe Alma's testimony of the Savior, what will we do? What does pride have to do with the image used by Alma in Alma 5:22 - "the ax is laid at the root of the tree"?




BONUS: Alma mentions the tree of life twice in his address, Alma 5:34 and Alma 5:62. How do we become partakers of the fruit of that tree?




7. Read Alma 6:1-8. List six points from Alma 6 which speak to how Alma set the church in order.




Podcast: Why Did Alma Ask Church Members Fifty Probing Questions?
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