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Mosiah 25-27

To be discussed December 1

1. Read Mosiah 25:1-12. How much  more numerous were the Lamanites than the Nephites and Mulekites combined? From Mosiah 25:7-12, list the emotions of the people in Zarahemla as they heard the record of Zeniff's people. 




2. Read Mosiah 25:13-24. What was the result of Alma's preaching among the people of Limhi? According to Mosiah 25:15 and 22, what did Alma and the other priests and teachers teach? 



BONUS: How might your testimony of Christ's atonement be strengthened by the story of the transformation of Alma from one of Noah's priests to a prophet of God?




3. Read Mosiah 26:1-12. List the things Mosiah's rising generation began to disbelieve. From Mosiah 26:3-6, what were the results of their disbelief? Why did Mosiah refuse to judge those who rebelled?




4. Read Mosiah 26:13-32. How intensely did Alma pray for an answer to his question about how to respond to the dissenters? The Lord's answer can be divided into three parts: (a) Personal to Alma (vv.15-20); (b) Doctrinal (vv. 21-27); and (c) How to handle transgressors (vv. 28-32). In what ways are all of these points answers to Alma's heartfelt prayer?




5. Read Mosiah 26:33-39. What did Alma do first when he received this answer from the Lord? How did this revelation strengthen the church?




6. Read Mosiah 27:1-17. Did Mosiah's edict regarding persecution limit or support religious liberty? List the effects of this new law. From Mosiah 27:14, for what purposes did the angel of the Lord visit Alma?




BONUS: From Mosiah 27:8-10, how does the record describe Alma?




7. Read Mosiah 27:18-37, with footnote 29d. In Mosiah 27:21, Alma gathered witnesses to see what the Lord had done FOR (not to) his son. What did he then ask the priests to do? List ways in which Alma was born again.


How beautiful were Alma's and the sons of Mosiah's feet?

Podcast: Why did the angel speak to Alma with a Voice of Thunder?
Links to Related Articles:
"Our Rising Generation," Ronald A. Rasband, May 2006 Ensign
"Sweet Power of Prayer," Russell M. Nelson, May 2003 Ensign
"Personal Revelation: The Teachings and Examples of the Prophets," Robert D. Hales, Nov. 2007 Ensign
"The Challenge to Become," Dallin H. Oaks, November 2000 Ensign
"Born Again," D. Todd Christofferson, May 2008 Ensign
"God's Love for Us Transcends Our Transgressions," Ronald E. Polman, May 1982 Ensign
"When Thou Art Converted, Strengthen Thy Brethren," L. Tom Perry, November 1974 Ensign
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