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Moroni 7-8

To be discussed May 3

1. Read Moroni 7:1-11.

From Moroni 7:1, what three principles of the gospel did Mormon expound upon when he spoke to followers, as recorded by Moroni in this chapter? Which doctrine did Mormon explain as an introduction to his topics (see Moroni 7:5-11)?



2. Read Moroni 7:12-19.

What is the difference between inviting and enticing? By what power can we judge between good and evil? From Moroni 7:19, what is the promise if we "lay hold upon every good thing"?



3. Read Moroni 7:20-34.

How might we better exercise our faith? What is the work of angels? 



4. Read Moroni 7:35-48.

Underline (or note) the words FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY in Moroni 7:37-48. In what must we place our hope and faith? Why is charity essential?



5. Read  Moroni 8:1-9.

On what occasion did Mormon write this letter to his son, Moroni? What practice grieved Mormon? Why?



BONUS: Read Moroni 8:8 with JST Genesis 17:11.

Of what was the covenant of circumcision a token?



6. Read Moroni 8:10-19.

List reasons why children under the age of accountability do not need the ordinance of baptism.



7. Read Moroni 8:20-30.

How does a remission of sins lead to feeling the Holy Ghost? How did Mormon exercise faith, hope and charity toward his prideful people?

Discussion on Moroni 7
Discussion on Moroni 8-10

Links to Related Articles:


"The Challenge to Become," Dallin H. Oaks, November 2000 Ensign


"'Walk in the Light," Henry B. Eyring, May 2008 Ensign


"The Power of Patience," Robert C. Oaks, November 2006 Ensign


"O Remember, Remember," Henry B. Eyring, November 2007 Ensign


"Lay Hold upon Every Good Thing," Visiting Teaching Message, March 1991


"The Joy of Hope Fulfilled," M. Russell Ballard, November 1992 Ensign


"Confide in God Unwaveringly," Ulisses Soares, May 2017 Ensign


"Brighter and Brighter until the Perfect Day," Mark A. Bragg, May 2017 Ensign


"Little Children," Boyd K. Packer, November 1986 Ensign

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