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Mormon 1-3

To be discussed February 15

1. Read Mormon 1:1-10, review 4 Nephi 1:48-49.

How did Mormon describe himself? How did Ammaron describe Mormon? What did Ammaron ask Mormon to do?



2. Read Mormon 1:11-19.

Why did the Lord take away His beloved disciples? What was the result of their absence? What indications do we have that Mormon was already familiar with the scriptural record of his people?



3. Read Mormon 2:1-9.

Which army was most successful during the wars from years 326-330? Why?



4. Read Mormon 2:10-16.

Why did Mormon rejoice over the mourning and sorrow of his people? Why was his joy in vain? How would it feel to lead such an army? 



BONUS: Reread Mormon 2:14. If the people wanted to die, why do you think they defended themselves with the sword?



5. Read Mormon 2:17-29.

How did Mormon motivate his armies to fight boldly? (See also Alma 46:12.) Why were they still left to themselves, without the Spirit of the Lord to strengthen them?



BONUS: What were the terms of the Nephite/ Lamanite treaty?




 EXTRA CREDIT: Review Mormon 1:15 and Mormon 2:17 and 19. From Mormon's example, give three ways we can survive when the world around us is falling apart.



6. Read Mormon 3:1-8.

How did Mormon prepare his people even during times of peace? Which army was most successful during the wars between years 360-362?



7. Read Mormon 3:9-22.

Why did Mormon refuse to lead the Nephites in battle? What was Mormon's heartfelt message to all who read his words?

Discussion on Mormon 1-6

Links to Related Articles:


"Mormon: The Man and the Book, pt.1," Jeffrey R. Holland, March 1978 Ensign


"Mormon: The Man and the Book, pt.2," Jeffrey R. Holland, April 1978 Ensign


"Quick to Observe," David A. Bednar, December 2006 Ensign


"Mormon Should Mean 'More Good,'" Gordon B. Hinckley, November 1990 Ensign


"Repentance," Neal A. Maxwell, November 1991 Ensign


"A Thousand Times," Glenn L. Pace, November 1990 Ensign


"Young Men - Holders of Keys," Monte J. Brough, November 2003 Ensign


"Come unto Me with Full Purpose of Heart, and I Shall Heal You," Patrick Kearon, November 2010 Ensign

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