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Helaman 4-6

to be discussed October 5

1. Read Helaman 4:1-13.

Where did the rebellious Nephites go when they were driven out of Nephite lands? From Helaman 4:11-13, why did the Nephites lose so much of their land?



2. Read Helaman 4:14-26.

What happened when the people repented? From Helaman 4:23-24, list the effects of wickedness.



3. Read Helaman 5:1-12.

What caused the corruption of Nephite laws? What word is used once in Helaman 5:5 and repeated six more times in Helaman 5:6? Four more times in Helaman 5:9? From Helaman 5:12, what is the sure foundation on which we must build?



4. Read Helaman 5:13-34.

How many baptisms did Nephi and Lehi have in Zarahemla? What happened in the land of Nephi after this marvelous success?



BONUS: Read Helaman 5:30 with 1 Kings 19:11-12; 3 Nephi 11:3-7.

Describe the voice of God.



5. Read Helaman 5:34-52.

From Helaman 5:37, why did Aminadab "cry" unto the people to "turn and look"? What did he tell the Lamanites to DO in order to dispel the darkness? From Helaman 5:43-48, list what the people saw and heard.



6. Read Helaman 6:1-19.

According to Helaman 6:1-2, what made the converted Lamanites more righteous than the majority of Nephites? What freedoms were established because of the many conversions among Lamanites and Nephites? How long did it take for the people to decline again into wickedness? What caused the decline?



7. Read Helaman 6:20-41.

How did the secret oaths and covenants of the Gadianton robbers begin? What can we learn about the adversary's motivations and methods from this chapter? 




List the lessons from Mormon in Helaman 6:34-40 that begin, "... and thus we see...."




Read Helaman 6:39. What happens when wicked men "obtain the sole management of the government"?

Interpreter Scripture Roundtable: A Sure Foundation

Links to Related Articles:


"Jesus Christ, Our Sure Foundation," W. Craig Zwick, October 2017 Ensign


"Constant Truths for Changing Times," Thomas S. Monson, May 2005 Ensign


"Spiritual Whirlwinds," Neil L. Anderson, May 2014 Ensign


"When Thou Art Converted," D. Todd Christofferson, May 2004 Ensign


"Journey to Higher Ground," Joseph B. Wirthlin, November 2005 Ensign


"Let the Holy Spirit Guide," Ronald A. Rasband, May 2017 Ensign


"A Sin-Resistant Generation," Joy D. Jones, May 2017 Ensign


"The Rock of Our Redeemer," Weatherford T. Clayton, BYU Devotional, March 14, 2017

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