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Helaman 1-3

to be discussed September 28

1. Read Alma 63. 

Who kept the Nephite records after Helaman (son of Alma) died? Who received the records and sacred artifacts next?



2. Read headnote to the Book of Helaman and Helaman 1:1-12.

Who wrote the book of Helaman? Why were there contentions among the Nephites in the 40th year of the reign of the judges? How was Pahoran appointed as chief judge? Who was Kishkumen?



3. Read Helaman 1:13-34.

How was Pacumeni appointed to be the chief judge? Who was Coriantumr and how did Tuberoth plan to use him? What caused the defeat of the Nephites at Zarahemla? What caused the demise of Coriantumr?



4. Read Helaman 2:1-14.

Who was Gadianton? How were Kishkumen's evil plans thwarted?



BONUS: How many years BC were the events in Helaman 2?



5. Read Helaman 3:1-12.

How many years of peace did the Nephites enjoy after Kishkumen's death?What was the consequence of the contention and dissension in the 46th year of the reign of the judges?



6. Read Helaman 3:13-22.

How much of the Nephite record do we have in Mormon's abridgment? Who were Helaman's sons?



7. Read Helaman 3:23-37.

From Helaman 3:24-27, what was the (almost) immediate consequence of a year without contention? Did this happen organically? What happened in the 51st year of the reign of the judges?



BONUS: From Helaman 3:35, what did the more humble part of the people do when faced with persecution and afflictions?

Discussion: Helaman 1-6

Links to Related Articles:


"I Know Your Doing: The Book of Mormon Speaks to Our Times," Richard Dilworth Rust, December 1988 Ensign


"A Testimony of the Book of Mormon," Russell M. Nelson, Nov. 1999 Ensign


"The Divine Gift of Repentance," D. Todd Christofferson, Nov. 2011 Ensign


"Christians in Belief and Action," Joseph B. Wirthlin, Nov. 2016 Ensign


"The Man of Christ," Neal A. Maxwell, May 1975 Ensign


"Gadianton Robbers and Historical Parallels," Daniel Peterson, 11 November Deseret News

“The Gadianton Robbers from the Book of Mormon are loose among us. The King-men, and women, are running our government. And, worst of all, we are blindly electing them, or appointing them so they can continue to destroy the things we cherish most.”

- John A. Widtsoe, CR April 1944.

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