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Jacob 1-4

To be discussed April 7

In your reading, try to identify doctrines of Christ by looking for the main message of the writer. In other words, what basic principle(s) of the gospel might the writer want you to recognize and apply in your own life? What is his purpose in writing?


1. Read Jacob 1:1-8, with footnote 4b. What charge did Nephi give Jacob regarding the small plates? In other words, what kind of record was he asked to keep? What did Jacob KNOW? What did he DO about what he knew?




2. Read Jacob 1:9-19. How did Nephi's people begin to slip away from righteousness after his death? From Jacob 1:17-19, list ways in which Jacob and Joseph magnified their callings as priests.




3. Read Jacob 2:1-16. Where was Jacob when he gave the address recorded in this chapter? What was his purpose? What spiritual gift(s) did Jacob have? What was destroying the souls of his people?




4. Read Jacob 2:17-34. What form of social injustice did pride lead to in Nephite society? What were their "grosser crimes"? How did (does) the Lord feel about the "fair daughters of this people"?




5. Read Jacob 3:1-14. List promises from the Lord to those who are "pure in heart." List warnings to those who are NOT pure in heart. What do you think it means to be pure in heart? How did (does) the Lord feel about racism and prejudice?




6. Read Jacob 4:1-9. What was Jacob's main objective in taking the time and energy necessary to engrave his teachings on the plates of Nephi? In other words, what did he want us to know?




7. Read Jacob 4:10-18. How are we reconciled with the Father? Who or what is the "mark" beyond which the Jews looked? Who or what is the stone upon which they might have built, had they not stumbled?



Links to Related Articles:


"Jacob," C. Terry Warner, October 1976 Ensign


"The Cost - and Blessings - of Discipleship," Jeffrey R. Holland, May 2014 Ensign


"Being a Righteous Husband and Father," Howard W. Hunter, November 1994


"Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King," Neal A. Maxwell, May 1976 Ensign


"Looking Beyond the Mark," Dean L. Larsen, November 1987 Ensign


"Seek Not to Counsel the Lord," Marion G. Romney, August 1985 Ensign




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