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2 Nephi 20-22

To be discussed February 11

In your reading, try to identify doctrines of Christ by looking for the main message of the writer. In other words, what basic principle(s) of the gospel might the writer want you to recognize and apply in your own life? What is his purpose in writing?


1. Note: This chapter contains God's judgment on Assyria. Read 2 Nephi 20:1-4, with chapter headnote, D&C 104:18,  and the footnote to Isaiah 10:3a. What will become of the selfish and greedy who oppress the poor for their own gain?



2. Read 2 Nephi 20:5-12 , with footnotes 6a, 10a, and footnotes to Isaiah 10:5a, 7a, 12b. How did the Lord plan to use the Assyrian army? According to the footnote for 2 Nephi 20:6a, who is the hypocritical nation the Assyrians were used against? (Note: the "him" and "he" in verses 6-8 refer to the king of Assyria, who then speaks in verses 9-11. Carchemish, Hamath and Damascus were cities of Syria. All the cities listed in v. 9 were conquered by the Assyrians.)



3. Read 2 Nephi 20:13-23, with footnotes 13a, 15a, 19a, 20b, and footnotes to Isaiah 10:15a,c, 16b, 18a, 20a,c, 22c, 23a. What attitude or quality of the Assyrian king would be his undoing? What do you think is meant by the phrase "the light of Israel" in 2 Nephi 20:17?



BONUS: Read 2 Kings 19:35-37. How was the Assyrian army destroyed "in one day"?



4. Read 2 Nephi 20:24-34, with footnote 28a, and footnotes to Isaiah 10:23a, 24b, 28a. The cities and towns listed in these verses indicate the path of agression of the Assyrians toward Jerusalem, and the fear engendered by the army's advance. What will happen to the Assyrian army, according to 2 Nephi 20:33-34? Why?



5. Read 2 Nephi 21:1-9, with chapter headnote, D&C 113:1-2, and footnotes to Isaiah 11:3b, 4c, 5b, 8a,b. Use D&C 113:1-2 to explain the identity of the "Stem of Jesse" mentioned in 2 Nephi 21:1. With this in mind, list qualities of the Stem of Jesse as given in 2 Nephi 21:2-9. How might an increase of knowledge bring increased peace?



6. Read 2 Nephi 21:10-16, D&C 113:5-6, and footnotes to Isaiah 11:10a,d, 13a, 14a,c, 15b. From the footnote to Isaiah 11:10a, when will this prophecy be fulfilled? What can you think of that is at least a partial fulfillment of this prophecy?



7. Read 2 Nephi 22:1-6 with chapter headnote and footnotes to Isaiah 12:1bc, 2a, 4b, and the Bible Dictionary entry, "Isaiah." What does the name "Isaiah" mean? How do we joyfully draw water out of the wells of salvation? Why is it important to give praise?


NOTE: Moroni quoted the entire chapter of Isaiah 11 to Joseph Smith in 1823, saying it was about to be fulfilled. See JS-H 1:40.

Sennacherib, King of Assyria 705-681 BC

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"Draw Near unto Me," J. Thomas Fyans, November 1985 Ensign


"Living Water to Quench Spiritual Thirst," Joseph B. Wirthlin, May 1995 Ensign


"Alternate Voices," Dallin H. Oaks, May 1989 Ensign


"Therefore They Hushed Their Fears," David A. Bednar, May 2015 Ensign


"A Defense and a Refuge," Boyd K. Packer, November 2006 Ensign

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