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2 Nephi 23-24

To be discussed February 25

In your reading, try to identify doctrines of Christ by looking for the main message of the writer. In other words, what basic principle(s) of the gospel might the writer want you to recognize and apply in your own life? What is his purpose in writing?


1. Read 2 Nephi 23:1-8 with chapter headnote and footnote 2a, and footnotes to Isaiah 13:1bc, 2a,c, 3a. From the footnotes to Isaiah 1b and c, what is a "burden" as used by Isaiah, and to whom is this burden extended? Why do you think the subjects of this burden will be howling at the Lord's Second Coming? Why will their faces be "as flames" (2 Nephi 23:8)?



NOTE: The destruction described in these verses foresees the destruction of Babylon at the hands of the Medes and Persians in 539 BC, but is also a type and shadow of the destruction that will occur at the Second Coming of the Savior.



2. Read 2 Nephi 23:9-16 with footnotes to Isaiah 13:11d, 14a,b, 15a, 16c. From 2 Nephi 23:11-16, list those who will be punished and how they will suffer. Why might a man be more precious than fine gold?



3. Read 2 Nephi 23:17-22 with footnote to Isaiah 13:19b, 21b, 22a,b and Revelation 18:1-10. If Babylon represents all the wickedness in the world, how completely will the earth be cleansed at the Second Coming? How do we come out of Babylon today?



4. Read 2 Nephi 24:1-8 with chapter headnote and footnote to 6a, also footnotes to Isaiah 14:2a, 4a,c, 6a, 8a,b,c. Note: Shortly after the fall of Babylon, Cyrus of Persia issued a decree  that captive Israel would be not only allowed to return to Palestine, but that they would be helped in rebuilding Jerusalem. This is the literal, historical fulfillment of the prophecies in this chapter. What is the latter-day fulfillment? In other words, what great hope do we have regarding the establishment of the kingdom of God after the destruction of the wicked? List specific things in this passage that give you hope.



5. Read 2 Nephi 24:9-15 with footnote 12a, and footnotes to Isaiah 14:9b, 11a, 12c, 13e. Who will greet Lucifer and the king of Babylon they are stripped of their power? How is Satan's pride like the pride of the king of Babylon? 



6. Read 2 Nephi 24:16-23 with footnotes to Isaiah 14:16a,b, 18b, 19a,b, 21a, 23b. What do the spirits of dead kings have to say to Lucifer/Babylon? How do you think we will view Satan when we finally see him as he really is?



7. Read 2 Nephi 24:24-32 with footnotes to Isaiah 14:24a,b, 26b, 28a, 29a. What phrases from 2 Nephi 24:24-27 indicate that the Lord is in control of all things? Using the footnote to Isaiah 28a, against whom is the burden declared in 2 Nephi 24:28-32? Why should they not rejoice in the destruction of the Assyrians?

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