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To be discussed May 5

1. Read Jacob 7:27, Enos 1:1-4. From Jacob 7:27, what did Enos promise his father? What words did Enos recall from the teachings of his father, that caused his soul to hunger?




2. Read Enos 1:5-9. What was the result of Enos' mighty prayer? What role did faith in Christ play in Enos' heartfelt desire for the welfare of his people?




3. Read Enos 1:10-14. What do you think it means to struggle in the spirit (see Enos 1:10, 11)? What other words used by Enos give you the same impression? Where did Enos' struggling lead him in his prayer?




4. Read Enos 1:15-18. Why was Jacob's soul finally at rest? What do you think Enos knew about the faith of his fathers (Nephi and Jacob)? 




5. Read Enos 1:19-21. Why weren't Enos' prayers on behalf of his brethren answered with missionary success immediately?




6. Read Enos 1:22-24. Who was Enos describing in Enos 1:22-23? What seems so have been their problem? How were they blessed?




7. Read Enos 1:25-27. Why was Enos so confident about his standing before Christ? What pattern did he leave us so that we also might have confidence in our relationship with deity?




Links to Related Articles:


"Finding Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ," Robert D. Hales, November 2004 Ensign


"Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer," Richarad G. Scott, May 2007 Ensign


"Insights," Neal A. Maxwell, April 1978 New Era


"Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?" Timothy J. Dyches, November 2013 Ensign


"If Christ Had My Opportunities..." Paul K. Sybrowsky, November 2005 Ensign


"Desire," Dallin H. Oaks, May 2011 Ensign


"Why Do the Authors on the Small Plates Follow a Pattern?" Book of Mormon Central, April 8, 2016


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