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Solomon and Job

(to be discussed December 4)


1. Read 1 Kings 1:32-40 and 50-53 with footnote 34c; 1 Kings 3:1-15 with footnote 1a; Bible Dictionary entry, "High places." Why couldn't David build a temple for Jehovah? Where was the tabernacle of Moses during David's time and Solomon's early reign? (See also 1 Chronicles 21:29.)



 BONUS: Why did Adonijah take hold of the horns of the altar? (See 1 Kings 1:50-53.)



NOTE: The JST for 1 Kings 3:14 reads, "And if thou wilt walk in my ways to keep my statutes and my commandments, then will I lengthen thy days, and thou shalt not walk in unrighteousness as did thy father David." 



2. Read 1 Kings 6:1-4 and 37-38 with footnote 4a; 1 Kings 7:1-5; 1 Kings 9:1-9. How large was Solomon's Temple? How long did it take to build? How large was Solomon's house? How long did it take to build? List promises to Solomon and Israel in 1 Kings 9:1-9.



3. Read 1 Kings 10:26-29 with footnote 28a; 1 Kings 11:1-13 with footnotes 4b, 6b. List areas of Solomon's life which were out of sinc with the Lord's will and wisdom. What did the Lord tell Solomon about the consequences of his sins and choices?



4. Read Job 1:1-22 with footnote 6a. List Job's assets. Which of these assets did Job lose in a day? What was Job's reaction?



BONUS: Read Bible Dictionary entry, "Job, book of." Which fundamental principle of the gospel does Job illustrate?



5. Read chapter heading to Job 2, along with Job 2:9-13; Job 3:1-26 with footnotes 12a, 14a. What was Job's wife's attitude? What did his "friends" say during the first week of their visit? From Job 3, what did Job curse? Why? 



6. NOTE: These readings contain the counsel of Job's "friends" - and Eliju (not identified as a friend). Read Job 4:7-8 and 17-24; Job 5:17-24 with footnote 18a; Job 8:1-14 with footnotes 8a, 11a, 16a; Job 11:1-6; Job 34:31-37. How did Job's "friends" attempt to counsel him? What did they believe about Job?



7. Read Job 19:21-27 with footnote 22a. How did Job answer his friends. What did Job believe about himself? about God?



BONUS: Read Job 42:1-17. How was Job rewarded for his faithfulness/ How were his friends chastened?



Related Articles:

"Journey to Higher Ground," Joseph B. Wirthlin, November 2005 Ensign

"Some Scriptureal Lessons on Leadership," Spencer J. Condie, May 1990 Ensign

"The Lands of Saul, David, and Solomon," June 1990 Ensign

"Job: An LDS Reading," Mack C. Stirling, Interpreter, A Journal of Mormon Scripture

"Examples from the Life of a Prophet," Robert D. Hales, November 1981 Ensign




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