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1920-Today: British Mandate/

State of Israel


This last class will focus on modern Israel as a fulfillment of ancient prophecy. We will discuss the period of British Mandate from 1920-1948, the increase in Jewish immigration, World War II, the Israeli War of Independence, and  the delicate balance of power in the Middle East today. The history of God's covenant people is as old as the earth itself. As His covenant people today we reach out to brothers and sisters throughout the world with an invitation to come unto Christ. Surely the day when the lamb and the lion shall lie down together will appear to us to less miraculous than the day  when the whole family of Abraham will sit down together as brothers in peace. May we, as we contemplate the covenants we have made, work toward that goal.

Below are links to articles relating to the latter-day history of Israel:


"The Holy Land: The First Presidency Speaks," James R. Clark, May 1972 Ensign


"Religion in Israel Today," Ellis T. Rasmussen, May 1972 Ensign


"Arab-Israeli Conflict," Herbert F. Murray, January 1971 Ensign


D&C Student Institute Manual, section 45, vv.24-30


Church History in the Fulness of Times, chapter 40: The Saints during WWII


"Come: Let Israel Build Zion," Bruce R. McConkie, May 1977 Ensign


(Not correlated): "The United States and the Recognition of Israel: A Chronology"




"A peculiar people is one whose relationship to God is out of the ordinary, who partake of his divine nature in a very special way. Jehovah said not only that Israel would be distinct from all other nations, but also that that distinction would lie in their moral and spiritual superiority. In other words, they would be a peculiar people because they were a holy people....

"Clearly, modern Israel becomes the Lord’s peculiar people only as it produces the fruits by which that people are to be known. But the whole is the sum of its parts. A city of Zion is the sum of the pure in heart. The practical question each Latter-day Saint must answer is not 'Are we a peculiar people?' but 'Am I a peculiar person?'” 

- Rodney A. Turner

LDS Video: "Enemy Territory," in which President Boyd K. Packer shares an experience in which he was protected during World War II by listening to a prompting of the Spirit and promises youth that they will be protected if they "heed the promptings that come from the Holy Ghost."

Ministry of Ezra Taft Benson: A Mission President in Europe

NOTE: THIS IS NOT A CORRELATED VIDEO. A short newsreel on the Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel, with English subtitles.

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