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Isaac - Jacob (to be discussed October 9)


1. Read Genesis 24:1-9, with footnotes 2b, 9a. From whom was Isaac's wife to be chosen? From whom was she NOT to be chosen? Does it sound like this was important to Abraham? Did the bride-to-be have any say in the matter?




BONUS: Read Bible Dictionary entry, "Eliezer." What does the name "Eliezer" mean? 



2. Read Genesis 24:10-28, with footnotes 16b, 22a. NOTE: The "city of Nahor" was Haran (see map 9), in what is today southern Turkey. To whom did Eliezer pray in Genesis 24:12 and 27? What was his request in Genesis 24:12-14? From verse 27, how was Eliezer "in the way"?



3.  Read Genesis 24:54-67. Based on what we know from Genesis 24, list qualities of Rebekah. Where was Isaac and what was he doing when Rebekah and Eliezer arrived?



4. Read Genesis 25:19-34, with footnotes 27b, 30a. What did the Lord reveal to Rebekah regarding the twins she carried? What do the names "Jacob" and "Esau" mean? (See Bible Dictionary entries, "Jacob," and "Esau.")



5. Read Genesis 26:1-16. List the elements of God's covenant with Isaac. Do you think he received these blessings based solely on Abraham's obedience?



6. Read Genesis 26:17-35, with footnotes 20b, 22a, c, 33a, 35a. How many wells did Isaac have his servants dig in this passage of scripture? What were the names of the wells? Why did Isaac and Rebekah grieve over Esau?



BONUS: Find Gerar on map 10. What is the nearest city to Gerar? Now find Beersheba on the same map.



7. Read Genesis 27:1-46, with footnotes 3b, 29c, 33a. List the elements of Jacob's blessing. Why do you think Isaac did not retract Jacob's blessing in favor of Esau? With what was Esau blessed?



Related Articles:

"Altar, Tent, Well," A. Theodore Tuttle, January 1973 Ensign

"Rebekah," Cynthia L. Hallen, January 2002 Ensign

"Jacob and Esau," David H. Madsen, January 2002 Ensign

"Journeys and Events in the Lives of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph," June 1973 Ensign


Quote from Bruce R. McConkie, April 1980 CR:

"Looking ahead, we see the gospel preached in all nations and to every people with success attending.

"We see the Lord break down the barriers so that the world of Islam and the world of Communism can hear the message of the restoration; and we glory in the fact that Ishmael—as well as Isaac—and Esau—as well as Jacob—shall have an inheritance in the eternal kingdom.

"We see congregations of the covenant people worshipping the Lord in Moscow and Peking and Saigon. We see Saints of the Most High raising their voices in Egypt and India and Africa."

Esau Selling His Birthright - c. 1627

Hendrick ter Brugghen

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