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Joseph  (to be discussed October 23)








EXTRA CREDIT: Read Genesis 38:1-30. Who did Judah marry? How did he treat his daugher-in-law unfairly?



1. Read Genesis 39:1-23 with footnotes 8b, 22a. Who was Potiphar? What did he recognize about Joseph? What caused him to forget this... or did he? How did the keeper of the prison regard Joseph?



BONUS: Why did Joseph reject the advances of Potiphar's wife?



2. Read Genesis 41:14-45. How long was Joseph in prison? How did Joseph prepare to go before Pharaoh? After he had interpreted Pharaoh's dreams, what did Pharaoh give him?



3. Read Genesis 42:1-8, 21-23. Why didn't Benjamin go with his brothers to Egypt? How do we know Joseph's brethren still felt guilty about selling him into slavery?



4. Read Genesis 45:1-9. In what ways was Joseph a "type" of Christ (not just in these verses, but in all you've read)?



5. Read Genesis 46:1-7, 28-34; Genesis 47:27-31 with footnote 31b. Why did Jacob move his family to Egypt? Where did they settle? 



BONUS: From the headnote to Genesis 46, how large was Jacob's family when he moved them to Egypt?



6. Read Genesis 48:1-4, 13-22, JST Genesis 48:5-11. List promises to Ephraim and Manasseh. 



7. Read Genesis 49:1-33. What blessings did Jacob give Judah? List elements of Joseph's blessing.



EXTRA CREDIT: Read JST Genesis 50:24-38. What did Joseph promise his brethren before he died?



EXTRA EXTRA CREDIT: Make a chart with each of Israel's sons and their blessings.



Related Articles:

"A Message to Judah from Joseph," Ezra Taft Benson, December 1976 Ensign

"Joseph, Son of Jacob," from The Guide to the Scriptures

"Egypt in the Bible," Kerry Muhlestein, BYU Religious Studies Center

"Of the House of Israel," Daniel Ludlow, January 1991 Ensign















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