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Ezra and Nehemiah


1. Read Bible Dictionary entry, "Ezra." From the last paragraph, give the four main themes in the book of Ezra.



2. Read Ezra 1:1-8, Ezra 7:1-10, Isaiah 44:28-45:3, and Jeremiah 25:12-14. How do these passages illustrate the idea that the promises of the Lord through his prophets shall all be fulfilled?



3. Read Bible Dictionary entry, "Zerubbabel." What does the name "Zerubbabel" mean? What role was he assigned by Cyrus during the first return of the Jews? Now Read Ezra 3:1-6. List what Zerubbabel and other returning ZJews did ito reinstate the Law of Moses.



BONUS: Read about the laying of the foundation for Zerubbabel's temple in Ezra 3:8-13. Why did the priests weep?



NOTE: The second temple, or temple of Zerubbabel, was completed and dedicated in 515 BC, after the first Israelites had returned to JErusalem and had overcome political difficulties and contention from the Samaritans. The seventh chapter of Ezra begins with the return of more colonies of Jews from Babylon, probably 60-80 years after the events in chapter six. Ezra and Nehemiah were in these later groups. During that 60-80-year interval between the arrival of the first group and the arrival of Ezra, the people seem to have fallen away from strict adherance to the Law. Ezra, a priest, saw that reform was needed.


4. Read Ezra 9:1-15 with the chapter heading. How had the people in Jerusalem broken their covenants? Read Ezra 9:8 with Isaiah 22:23-25. How had the Lord shown grace to the returning children of Israel?



5. Read the Bible Dictionary entry, "Nehemiah." What does the name "Nehemiah" mean? What was Nehemiah's royal commission? Read Nehemiah 3:11-12. Who are the people listed in these verses who helped repair walls and gates?



6. Read Nehemiah 8:1-3, 8-12 (with footnotes 8a, 12a). What did Nehemiah and Ezra teach the people?



7. Read Nehemiah 10:28-39 (with footnotes 28a, 29a). List covenants the Jews renewed at this time.

Related Articles:


"The Scatterings and Gatherings of Israel," Edward J. Brandt, December 1981 Ensign


"Life in Ancient Biblical Lands," John M. Lundquist, December 1981 Ensign


"Trust in God, Then Go and Do," Henry B. Eyring, November 2010 Ensign


"Sanctify Yourselves," Jeffrey R. Holland, November 2000 Ensign

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