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Elijah and Elisha


NOTE: According to "Bible Chronology," Ahab began his reign in Israel sometime betwen 918-875 BC. By way of review, Ahab's father, Omri, had arranged Ahab's marriage to Jezebel as a part of his peace treaty with Phoenicia. Ahab reigned 22 years in Israel, supporting Jezebel's Phoenician god, Baal (see 1 Kings 16:29-33) and making Baal worship the state religion of Israel.


1. Read Bible Dictionary entry, "Elijah," 1 Kings 17:1-7. What does the name "Elijah" mean? Where was Gilead? What two things did Elijah seal up from Israel in 1 Kings 17:1? How did he survive?



BONUS: Read Helaman 10:1-7. what qualities in Nephi allowed God to trust him with sealing power over the elements, and everything on earth?



2. Read 1 Kings 17:8-24. (Note: Zarephath was a Phoenician city, between Tyre and Sidon. Click here to see map.) What was the first thing Elijah asked of the widow of Zarephath? What else did he ask of her? What two miracles did Elijah call down for the benefit of this widow? Why? 



3. Read 1 Kings 18:17-39 (with footnote 37a). (Note: Baal means "Lord" or "Possessor," as one who possesses a slave. This false god was worshipped because of his supposed powers over the weather, since successful crops meant life to the agrarian people of Phoenicia and surrounding areas. When weather did not support crops, the mythology of Baal explained that this "storm god" was likely asleep, or out hunting.)

From 1 Kings 18:21, why do you think the people had no answer to Elijah's query? From 1 Kings 18:36-37, list four requests from Elijah in behalf of the people. What did the people say when they beheld Jehovah's power?



4. Read 1 Kings 19:1-16, Bible Dictionary entry, "Horeb." If the people of Israel, having witnessed the power of Jehovah, were converted, why was it necessary for Elijah to run for his life? How was he sustained? To which mountain was Elijah sent? What did he learn there?



BONUS: Read Helaman 5:29-32. Describe the voice heard by the people in these verses.



5. Read Bible Dictionary entry, "Elisha," 1 Kings 19:19-21, 2 Kings 2:4-15. What does the name "Elisha" mean? Why do you think Elisha asked for a double portion of the spirit of Elijah? How and where did Elijah depart? (See also Bible Dictionary entry, "Glory of the Lord.")



Extra credit: Read Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 17:1-5, and D&C 110:11-16. What keys did Elijah possess? Why was his return prophesied by Malachi and others?



6. Read 2 Kings 4:1-44 (with footnote 6a). List miracles in chapter 4 of

2 Kings. Which miracles remind you of Elijah's work? Which anticipate the miracles of Jesus during his mortal ministry?



7. Read 2 Kings 5:1-19 (with footnote 18a). What does leprosy represent in this story of Naaman (and elsewhere in scripture)? Why was Naaman angry at Elisha's counsel (v. 11)? What did Naaman know after he was cleansed?



8. Read 2 Kings 6:8-17. When did the king of Syria send his great host to surround the city of Dothan? How were the eyes of the servant opened? What did he see?



Related Articles:

"Elisha and Elijah: Foreshadowing the Latter-day Work," by Lenet Hadley Read, March 1988 Ensign


"Elijah: Champion of Israel's God," by John A. Tvedtnes, July 1990 Ensign


"Elijah Nurtures Faith," by Todd A. Knowles, July 2002 Ensign


"Blessed from on High," by Howard W. Hunter, October 1988 CR


"A Handful of Meal and  a Little Oil," Jeffrey R. Holland, May 1996 Ensign


"However Long and Hard the Road," Jeffrey R. and Patricia T. Holland, BYU Speeches









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