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Adam-Noah (to be discussed 9-18)


1. Read Genesis 3. Who made coats (cf: garments, tunics) of skins for Adam and Eve? Why?



BONUS: Read Moses 5:10-12. Adam and Eve both use the word "joy" in these verses. Why were they happy even in their fallen state? What did obedience have to do with the state of their happiness?



2. Read Genesis 5. List the descendants of Adam from Seth to Noah, and how long each lived.



3. Read Moses 6:48-62.  Why was it necessary for Adam to enter into a covenant relationship with God through faith, repentance, baptism, and the gift of the Holy Ghost?



4. Read Moses 6:25-34. Why was the Lord angry with the people in Enoch's day? List the elements of God's covenant with Enoch from verses 32-34.



5. Read Genesis 6, with footnotes 6a, 9c, 16a, and 18a. Why was Noah singled out to receive the covenant God established with Enoch? (See also Moses 8:20-30.)



6. Read Genesis 8:15-22, JST Genesis 9:4-6, Genesis 9:8-17, with footnotes 9a, 11c, JST Genesis 9:21-25. Why did Noah build an altar to the Lord? What promises or covenants did the Lord make with Noah?



7. Read Genesis 10:1, 21, Genesis 11:10-11, Bible Dictionary entry "Shem." Who was Shem? What peoples were descended from Shem?




Related Articles:

"The Man Adam," Robert L. Millet, January 1994 Ensign

"The Tree of LIfe in Ancient Cultures," C. Wilfred Griggs, June 1988 Ensign

"Enoch: What Modern Scripture Teaches," Richard D. Draper, January 1998 Ensign

"Old Testament Prophets: Noah," February 2014 Ensign

"Melchizedek: Seeking After the Zion of Enoch," Frank F. Judd Jr., Sperry Symposium Classics



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