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Moses -

to be discussed

October 30


1. Read Exodus 2:7-22, with footnotes 15c, 22b. Who was Moses? How was he saved from death as a baby? 



BONUS: Read Acts 7:14-36. How old was Moses when he left Egypt the first time? How old was he when visited by an angel?



2. Read Exodus 2:23-25, with footnote 25a, and Exodus 3:1-15, with footnotes 2a, 12b, 15c. The footnote to Exodus 2:25 says God ws cognizant of the children of Israel. If God remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, why do you think He let them fall into bondage? From Exodus 3:1-15, what was Moses' calling? How had he been prepared? List God's promises to Moses from Exodus 3:10-12.



3. Read Moses 1:1-42. (Note: This chapter in the Pearl of Great Price recorded events thought to take place between the events in Exodus 3 and Exodus 4.) What did Moses learn about himself and the nature of God in the experience described in Moses 1:1-23? What is God's work and glory?



4. Read Exodus 19:1-25, with footnotes 2a, 15a, 17b, 18b. Also read Exodus 20:18-21. What did the Lord want Israel to become? How did they reject Him?



5. Read Exodus 23:14-33, with footnotes 15c, 16c, 19b. How many times per year were all Israel's men to appear before the Lord God? List promises from the Lord if they kept their covenants.



6. Read Exodus 25:1-9, with footnotes 5b, 9b; Exodus 28:1-12, 29-30 and 40-43, with footnotes 4d, 8a, 30a, and 43b,c. What was Israel commanded to build, by sacrifice? Describe the "breastplate of judgment" that Aaron and his sons were to wear when they entered the holy place. What else were they required to wear?



7. Read Exodus 33:1-23, with footnotes 7b, 16b, 22a, 23c. Why was Israel given a "carnal" or lesser law, and the priesthood taken out of their midst?



BONUS: Read Exodus 34:1-17 with footnotes 7c,e, 13c, 14c; JST Exodus 34:1-2; Exodus 34:29-35. List elements of the covenant the Lord made with Moses as described in Exodus 34:10-17. What did Jehovah promise to do? What was required of Moses and the children of Israel?




Related Articles:

"Trust in the Lord: Exodus and Faith," S. Kent Brown, Sperry Symposium Classics

"Moses, My Son," Ronald A. Rasband, January 2010 Ensign

"Moses: Witness of Jesus Christ," Parker and Norman, April 1998 Ensign

"The Mission of Moses: Out of Bondage," Sperry, October 1973 Ensign

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