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Divided Kingdom

(to be discussed December 11)


1. Read 1 Kings 11:26-40 with footnotes 33c, 38b, 39a; Bible Dictionary entry, "Jeroboam (1)." Who was Jeroboam? Who called Jeroboam to lead the ten northern tribes of Israel? When was he called?



2. Read 1 Kings 12:1-24, Bible Dictionary entry "Rehoboam." What did the ten northern tribes of Israel request from Rehoboam if he wanted them to remain under his reigh? How did Rehoboam decide what to do as he made important, kingly decisions?



3. Read 1 Kings 12:25-33; 1 Kings 13:1-10. Make a list of the shortcomings of King Jeroboam. What motivated his mistakes? 



BONUS: Look up Bethel and Dan on Bible Map 3. Why do you think Jeroboam stratigically built places of whorship in these two cities?



4. Read 1 Kings 14:20-31. How long did Jeroboam reign in the north (Israel)? How long did Rehoboam rule in the south (Judah)? List the sins of Judah and the consequences of those sins.





5. Read 1 Kings 15:1-8 with footnote 3a; 2 Chronicles 13:1-20 with footnote 7a. What kind of a king was Rehoboam's son, Abijam (Abijah)? From 2 Chronicles 13:1-20, how many men did Abijah lead to battle agains Jeroboam? How many were with Jeroboam? List four points Abijah made in his speech against Israel (2 Chron. 13:8-12).



6. Read 1 Kings 15:9-31, Bible Dictionary entry, "Asa." How long did Asa reign in Judah What did he do to reform Judah?



BONUS: Read 2 Chronicles 16. Asa is considered one of the better kings of Judah. In spite of this, list mistakes he made in leadership, as recorded in this chapter.



7. Read 1 Kings 15:32-34 and 1 Kings 16:1-34. Asa reigned in Judah two years before the death of Jeroboam 1. After Jeroboam's son Nadab's short reign, list the next kings of Israel during the reign of Asa in Judah. Which of these kings "provoked the Lord"? Which king did the most evil in the sight of the Lord?




Related Articles:

"Some Scriptural Lessons on Leadership," Spencer J. Condie, May 1990 Ensign

"The 'Other Tribes': Which Are They?" John A. Tvedtnes, January 1982 Ensign

"When the Lord Commands," Bruce A. Carlson, May 2010 Ensign

"Recognizing Righteous Leadership," Paul E. Koelliker, July 2010 Ensign

"Journey to Higher Ground," Joseph B. Wirthlin, November 2005 Ensign



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