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Abram (to be discussed September 25)


1. Read Genesis 11:27-32, Bible Dictionary entry, "Abraham." Who was Terah? Where did he live? Name his three sons, plus any wives and children of those sons.



2. Read Abraham 1:1-19. From Abraham 1:2, list six things Abram sought. How did the priest of Pharaoh understand the law of sarifice? List promises from the Lord to Abram as noted in Abraham 1:18-19.



3. Read Genesis 12:1-10, Genesis 13:14-18, with footnote 14a. List promises the Lord made to Abram. Which of these promises was realized immediately?



4. Read Genesis 14:14-25, with footnote 18d. Why did Abram refuse to take his rightful spoils from the victory over pagan kings?



5. Read JST Genesis 14:25-40, Bible Dictionary entry, "Melchizedek." Who was Melchizedek? What was required of Abram in order to receive all the blessings Melchizedek pronounced upon him?



6. Read Genesis 15:1-6, JST Genesis 15:9-12. From Genesis 15:1, what was the relationship between the Lord and Abram? What was Abram's concern regarding the promises he had received from the Lord? How was he answered in the Joseph Smith Translation of Genesis 15:9-12?



7. Read Genesis 15:7-21. What did the Lord ask Abram to do in order to be assured regarding the power of his covenant? How was sacrifice an integral part of Abram's assurance?



BONUS: Read Genesis 16, with footnotes 12a, 14b. Of what nationality was Sarai's maid Hagar? Why did Hagar flee? Why did she return? How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?



Related Articles:

"The Abrahamic Covenant," S. Michael Wilcox, January 1998 Ensign

"Children of the Covenant," Russell M. Nelson, April 1995 Ensign

"Old Testament Prophets: Abraham," March 2014 Ensign



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