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Two Debtors, Two Sons

Luke 7:36-50

Matthew 21:28-32











Study Guide

1. Read Luke 7:27-35. What did Jesus say regarding John the Baptist? Which group of people accepted Jesus' witness? Which group rejected it?



2. Read Luke 7:36-39. With whom was Jesus eating? What was the attitude of the woman who came to wash Jesus' feet? What was the attitude of the host (Simon)? Did he voice his feelings?



3. Read Luke 7:40-43 (with footnote 41a), the parable of the two debtors. Even Simon understood the parable clearly. Why would the debtor who owed the most be most grateful to have his debt forgiven?



4. Read Luke 7:44-50. It would have been common courtesy to offer a guest water to wash his feet after traveling the dusty roads of Palestine. Why might Simon have neglected this courtesy? What seems to have motivated the woman to attend to the Lord? What was the reaction of the other dinner guests?



5. Read Matthew 21:23-27. What is the background for the parable of the two sons? To whom was Jesus Speaking? What did they ask him in Matthew 21:23?



BONUS: What events were described at the beginning of Matthew 21? During what part of the Savior's ministry did he give the parable of the two sons?



6. Read Matthew 21:28-30. What did the two sons in this parable have in common? In what ways were they different?



​7. Read Matthew 21:31-32. To whom did Jesus liken the first son? By inference, to whom did Jesus liken the second son? List one basic principle taught by the Savior in this parable.

Related Articles and Media:


"The Savior Wants to Forgive," Craig A Cardon, May 2013 Ensign


"Words of Jesus: Forgiveness," Cecil O. Samuelson, Jr., Feb. 2003 Ensign


"The Mediator," Boyd K. Packer, April 1977


"Come Unto Me," video, Howard W. Hunter

"Jesus Christ was the greatest teacher who ever taught,” declared President Spencer W. Kimball.  One of the Savior’s most striking teaching methods was His use of parables. Concerning the parables of Jesus, President Howard W. Hunter said:

“There is nothing in all literature equal to the parables of Christ. His teachings were as impressive to his listeners then as they are today to those who read his words. They are so simple a child can understand, yet profound enough for the sage and philosopher....

“Each of the parables spoken by the Savior seems to teach a principle or give an admonition regarding the attributes necessary to qualify for exaltation.” (See Ensign, May 1984.)


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