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Study Guide


1. Review Matthew 21:23-46. Which two parables precede the parable of the royal marriage feast in Matthew's record? Where and with whom was Jesus when he spoke these parables?



2. Read Matthew 22:1-3 (with footnote 3a). What is the kindgom of heaven compared to in the parable of the royal marriage feast?



3. Read Matthew 22:4-6. How many times did the king in this parable send servants to bid invited guests to come to the marriage feast? What had he done to prepare? How were his invitations received?



4. Read Matthew 22:7-8. How did the king react to his rebellious subjects? What word did he use to describe them in Matthew 22:8?



5. Read Matthew 22:9-10. How was the wedding furnished with guests?



6. Read Matthew 22:11-14 (with JST footnote, 14b). (NOTE: Each wedding guest would have been supplied a proper garment before entering the feast. The man who was not properly attired did so by choice.) Why was the wedding guest speechless when confronted by the king? What was his fate?



7. Who might the king in this parable represent? Who is the prince (bridegroom)? What might the wedding garment represent (see also Revelation 19:8)?



BONUS: Read D&C 58:5-12. In what ways have all nations been invited to sup in the house of the Lord?



EXTRA CREDIT: Compare the parable of the marriage of the king's son (Matthew 22:1-14) with the parable of the great feast (Luke 14:16-24). How are these parables similar? How are they different?

The Marriage of the King's Son

(Or "Royal Marriage Feast")

Matthew 22:1-14

D&C 58:5-11

Related Articles:


"Feasting at the Lord's Table," May 1996 Ensign


"A Seat at the Bridegroom's Feast," February 2011 Liahona


"Young People - Learn Wisdom in Thy Youth," CR April 1971


"According to the Desire of [Our] Hearts," November 1996 Ensign


"Beward of Pride," May 1989 Ensign


"Small Temples - Large Blessings," November 1998 Ensign

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