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Study Guide

1. Read Luke 10:25-29, the setting for the parable of the good Samaritan. With whom was Jesus conversing? How did he answer the question regarding qualification for eternal life? What question followed?

(Note: The word "tempted" might be better translated "tested.")



2. Read Luke 10:30-32. In the parable of the good Samaritan, if the "certain man" represents all of us in this earth life, how are we spiritually "wounded" and "half-dead"?



3. Read the Bible Dictionary entries "Priests" (paragraphs 1-3) and "Levites." To clarify, all priests were Levites, but not all Levites were priests. What were some of the duties of priests and Levites under Mosaic law? Why do you think Jesus used them as examples in this parable? Why might they have avoided a wounded man on the road to Jerico?



4. Read Luke 10:33-34, Bible Dictionary entry, "Samaritans." Who were the Samaritans? Why did this particular Samaritan stop and help the wounded man?



5. Read Luke 10:34-35. List what the Samaritan did for the wounded stranger.




6. Read the Bible Dictionary entry, "Anoint" (paragraph 1). With what two things did the Samaritan anoint the wounded man? What might these two substances represent?



7. Read Luke 10:36-37. Which of the two questions asked by the lawyer in Luke 10:25-29 does the parable of the good Samaritan answer?


The Good Samaritan

Luke 10:30-37

Walter Rane

Related Articles/Media:


"The Good Samaritan and Eternal Life," John Welch, BYU Magazine, 2002


"The Good Samaritan: Forgotten Symbols," John Welch, Ensign Feb. 2007


"Who Is My Neighbor?" Spencer W. Kimball, CR April 1949


"Go, and Do Thou Likewise," H. David Burton, April Conference, 1997


Chartres Cathedral Stained Glass - Key to the Good Samaritan Window


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