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Study Guide


1. Read the chapter heading for Luke 16. Which parable preceeded the parable of Lazarus and the rich man? How do both parables begin? Now read Luke 16:13-15. To whom was Jesus speaking directly before the parable of Lazarus and the rich man?* What did Jesus say is an abomination in the sight of God?



2. Read Luke 16:19-21. Describe the rich man. Describe Lazarus. Which of them was surely most highly esteemed?



BONUS: Look up "Lazarus" in the Bible Dictionary. What does this name mean?



3. Read Luke 16:22-24, Bible Dictionary entry, "Abraham's Bosom." How did Lazarus' spirit arrive in paradise? What was the rich man's first request of Father Abraham?  Why? 



​BONUS: How is it clear from these verses the rich man knew Lazarus' name and face?



4. Read Luke 16:25-26. Why did Father Abraham refuse the rich man's request?



5. Read Luke 16:27-28. What was the rich man's second request of Father Abraham? What does this tell you about the rich man?



6. Read Luke 16:29-31. Why did Abraham refuse the rich man's second request? What does this tell you about faith, and a lack thereof?



7. Read Deuteronomy 15:7-8, Isaiah 58:5-7, and D&C 104:18. What did the Law and the Prophets say about charity? Has this changed? Why is it so important?



*EXTRA CREDIT: Read JST Luke 16:16-23, which gives more context for the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. How does this inspired passage clarify Jesus message in the parable?

Lazarus and the Rich Man

Luke 16:19-31

Related Articles:


"Tuning Our Hearts to the Voice of the Spirit," CES Devotional for Young Adults, March 2, 2014


"Charity Never Faileth," Oct. 2011 CR


"Selfless Service," Teachings: Spencer W. Kimball ch. 8


"Be Ye Prepared," Nov. 1981 Ensign










"The Parable of the Apple Tree," by Ronald Bartholomew, from Parables of Redemption: The Restored Doctrine of the Atonement as Taught in the Parables of Jesus Christ, by Skinner, Burton, Bartholomew, Line, Frogley and Lee.



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