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Hidden Candle, Hidden Treasure

Matthew 5:14-16; Mark 4:21-22; Luke 8:16-17; Matthew 13:44

Study Guide

1. Read the chapter heading for Matthew 5. What is the context of this parable - in other words, what greater whole is this parable part of? Now read Matthew 5:14-16. List reasons why physical light is essential to life and safety. Why would anyone establish light only to hide it?



2. Read John 3:1-5. Do you think Nicodemus was a true seeker of light? Why might he have sought the Savior at night?



BONUS: Compare Matthew 5:14-16 with Mark 4:21-22 and Luke 8:16-17. What information is added in Mark and Luke that is not in the Matthew account?



3. Read Matthew 13:44. Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to hidden treasure in this short parable. How is God's kingdom, or the gospel, like hidden treasure?



4. What would be your reaction to stumbling upon a treasure? How did the man in the parable react? How much was he willing to pay?



5. The Joseph Smith Translation changes "he hideth" to "he secureth" it (JST Matt. 13:46). The man was within his rights in the law to purchase the field without disclosing the found treasure. How can we legally secure our claim to the blessings of the gospel?



6. Read Matthew 19:16-22. How does the story of the rich young ruler reinforce the message of the parable of the hidden treasure?



7. Read Doctrine and Covenants 38:39 and Doctrine and Covenants 6:7. What is the true treasure we need to secure for ourselves and our posterity?

Related Articles and/or Media


"What Will a Man Give?," Mark E. Petersen, October Conference, 1973


"You Are Your Greatest Treasure," John H. Vandenberg, May 1976 Ensign


"What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Soul?" Robert C. Gay, Nov. 2012 Ensign

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