Penasquitos Stake Institute
"Tell Me the Stories of Jesus"
Learning from the Parables of the Savior
1. Read Matthew 13:1-9 (with footnote to 5a), Mark 4:1-9, and Luke 8:4-8. What is the setting for this parable?
2. List the four types of ground which received seed. What happened in each of the four areas? What was the yield in the good ground?
3. Read Matthew 13:10-17 (with footnote to 12a), Mark 4:10-13 (with footnote 10a), and Luke 8:9-10. Why did Jesus teach with parables? Didn't he want everyone to understand his message?
4. Read Matthew 13:18-23 (with footnotes 18a, 21a, 23b), Mark 4:14-20, and Luke 8:11-15 (with footnote 14b). What does the seed in the parable represent? Who are the sowers?
5. What does the footnote for Matthew 13:23b add to your understanding of how to become more fertile soil?
6. From Mark 4:19, what are some of the "weeds" that may grow in our hearts?
7. BONUS: Compare the parable of the sower from Matthew 13:4-23 with Lehi's dream in 1 Nephi 8:23-32. How were the people in Lehi's dream like the various kinds of soil in the parable of the sower?
The Parable of the Sower
George Soper
Quotes discussed in class:
“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.” |
“When you pass through trials for His purposes, as you trust Him, exercise faith in Him, He will help you. That support will generally come step by step, a portion at a time. While you are passing through each phase, the pain and difficulty that comes from being enlarged will continue. If all matters were immediately resolved at your first petition, you could not grow. Your Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son love you perfectly. They would not require you to experience a moment more of difficulty than is absolutely needed for your personal benefit or for that of those you love” (Elder Richard G. Scott, Ensign, Nov. 1995, p. 17).
From the Institute Manual:
What Was a Major Purpose of the Parable of the Sower?
“This parable was spoken to demonstrate the effects that are produced by the preaching of the word; and we believe that it has
an allusion directly, to the commencement, or the setting up of the Kingdom in that age. …”
(Smith, Teachings, p. 97. Italics added.)
Why Do Some Receive the Words of the Savior and Others Do Not?
“… the condemnation which rested upon the multitude that received not His saying, was because they were not willing to see
with their eyes, and hear with their ears; not because they could not, and were not privileged to see and hear, but because their
hearts were full of iniquity and abominations; ‘as your fathers did, so do ye.’ …
“We draw the conclusion, then, that the very reason why the multitude, or the world, as they were designated by the Savior, did
not receive an explanation upon His parables, was because of unbelief. To you, He says (speaking to His disciples) it is given to
know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. And why? Because of the faith and confidence they had in Him.”
(Smith, Teachings, pp. 96–97. Italics added.)
Articles/Media relating to this parable:
Jesus the Christ, Chapter 19: "He Spake Many Things unto Them in Parables."
"Parables of Jesus: The Priceless Parables," Ensign, Jan. 2003
"Full Conversion Brings Happiness," Ensign, May 2002
"Press On," Ensign, Nov. 2004
"We Are Sowing"
Mormon Tabernacle Choir April 2004 Conference