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The Prodigal Son

Luke 15:11-32

Clark Kelley Price

Articles and Media Related to this Parable

"Of You It Is Required to Forgive," Gordon B. Hinckley, Nov. 1980 Ensign

"A Prodigal Son Returns," VIDEO with Elder Dallin H. Oaks

"The Tugs and Pulls of the World," Neal A. Maxwell, Oct. 2000 CR

"The Atonement and the Prodigal Son," FairMormon Blog, Sept. 17, 2013

"The Other Prodigal," Jeffrey R. Holland CR April 2002

"Redeemer of Israel," Bruce D. Porter CR October 1995

"Welcoming the Prodigal," Spencer J. Condie February 2011 Liahona

Study Guide


1. Read Luke 15:1-10. What was the setting or background for the parable of the prodigal son? To whom was Jesus speaking?



2. Look up the word "Prodigal" in any dictionary. What does "prodigal" mean?



3. Read Luke 15:11-16. When would the younger son usually have received his inheritance? Why might the son in this parable have asked for his inheritance?



BONUS: Read Genesis 25:29-34. How is the story of Jacob and Esau like the story of the prodigal son?



4. Read Luke 15:17-24. How do you think the prodigal "came to himself" (v.17)? What does it mean to come to ones' self?



5. From Luke 15:18-19, what four things did the prodigal plan to tell his father?




6. Read Luke 15:25-32. How was the prodigal received by his older brother? Why?



7. In what ways are we like the prodigal? Like the older brother? How can we be more like the father in this parable?

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