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The Foolish Rich Man

Luke 12:13-21

Study Guide


1. Read Luke 12:1-15. What was the setting for the parable of the foolish rich man? What was the Savior teaching in verses 2-12? What petition was he given in Luke 12:13? What was Jesus' answer?



2. Read Luke 12:16-17. What happy dilemma faced the "certain rich man" in this parable? To whom did he owe his good fortune?



3. Read Luke 12:18. How many times in this verse did the rich man use the word "I"? How many times did he use "my"? Now count the number of times he used the word "I" in verses 17-19. Where was the man's focus?



4. Read Luke 12:19. Is it wise to prepare for our future by laying aside money, being self-sufficient? What were the rich man's goals in retirement?



5. Read Luke 12:20. What was going to happen to the rich man? Why was this man a fool?



6. Read Luke 12:21. How can we be "rich toward God"?



7. Go back and re-read Luke 12:15. If our lives do not consist of our worldly possessions, of what do they consist? Ultimately, what would the rich man take with him?


Related Articles:


"Become Rich toward God," Jan. 1974 Ensign


"Tithing," May 1994 Ensign


"Obeidence, Consecration, and Sacrifice," May 1975 Ensign


"What's in it for Me?" Nov. 2002 Ensign




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